Tuesday, August 23, 2011

More Milestones...

Rolling over, laughing, and attempting to sit up on her own! Our big girl is growing so fast. We are trying to soak up every minute of her new discoveries. This has been such a big week - it's amazing how much babies learn in such a short time. (Especially ours - because she is a genius!!)

                                               Sitting up like a big girl!

                                                                Rolling over...

                                                            Hangin' with Sophie...

At church with Sophie...

                                                        A long day of studying...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Best Daddy...

Brian has been traveling this week and we have missed him very much. So we thought we would put a couple of our favorite Emma and Daddy pictures up to let him know we are thinking of him.

Emma likes to help Daddy work sometimes. He's teaching her the ropes of the business.

This picture is from when she first started smiling. Daddy can always brighten her day. She LOVES Brian - already such a Daddy's girl. :-) 

Monday, August 8, 2011

New toy...

Emma is so excited about her new toy! Brian and I got her a jumper/exersaucer for her to play in. She is really wanting to move around on her own, but doesn't quite have the stability yet to do so - so we thought this might help her out a bit. She loves it so far and as you can see - it really wears her out!

Old Friends...

Our friends from California spent the summer in Alaska and had a long layover in Seattle on their way back home. So we got to spend most of the day with them! We had lunch at the space needle and walked around Pike's market. We all had a blast and it was so good to catch up. Emma was so happy to finally meet Auntie Paloma and Uncle Steve. Thanks again for a great day guys! We miss you!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I know everyone thinks their baby is the cutest thing to ever exist, but look at this baby! I just can't get over how amazing she is. I am so in awe that this little creature has gone from the newborn stages to infant in these few short months. Our big girl has now found her feet and can grab her favorite toys, (to chew on of course!) She has been sucking her thumb for quite a while now. Brian and I really tried to get her to go for the pacifier instead, but the thumb has actually turned out to be a great thing for her and for us! She can calm herself at night and we all love that! We just got her a new teething toy and it has quickly become her favorite. "Sophie the Giraffe", pictured above, is her new daily must have!